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P  S  Y  C  H  E  T  H  E  R  I  C  S (TM)    M  U  L  T  I  S  E  N  S  E    A  C  T  I  V  A  T  I  O  N


Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, pulling the breath all the way through your body. Once you feel relaxed, look at the 4 images below, taking as much time as you need, and notice which image is pulling your attention. The image pulling your attention, will be indicating to you, the area of focus that you are being called to work with on your journey of awareness and transformation to align you with the most authentic and aligned version of you. 

Once you have your image, intuitively ask for a number between 1-9 and proceed to click on the number that presents to you in connection with the image that has pulled your attention. The purpose of this tool is to work with the images and messages to build a strong relationship with your own inner guidance system. The intention of working with this system in this way, is to increase your connection with your own intuition and the connection with your higher self so that eventually you only need to utilise the original 4 images as your indicator for the area calling for balance and focus that day, without needing the messages connected as your direction; as your intuition and higher self will reveal this information to you automatically. 

After working with the images for some time and developing a deeper understanding of the way your body and mind personally indicate to you which area is calling for your focus, the pull to a particular image will create a response much more rapidly that eventually may not require the deep breathing and active centring.





Pink Concrete

D A I L Y   G U I D A N C E

W H A T   I S   P  S  Y  C  H  E  T  H  E  R  I  C  S (TM)   ?

Psychetherics(TM) is a framework consisting of a number of different tools and sessions curated by Stef Baker to assist you on your journey of self discovery and uncovering and integrating deeper aspects of yourself in a way that promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance and wellbeing along the way as it approaches all 4 primary modalities of communication present and active in the human experience. This framework works in vibratory alignment with restoration of the individuals original blueprint that promotes and restores organic homeostasis in the mental, physical, emotional and auric field whilst simultaneously opening you up to expansion into the multidimensional aspects of yourself. This ensures the movement from operating from any elements of previously embodied dysfunction to optimum functionality, with the soul intention to assist you in continuously finding your way back to your centre, where you operate as your most authentic and empowered self.

C U R I O U S  A B O U T  H O W  T H E S E  I M A G E S  W O R K ?

These images in their construction, are designed to stimulate the cellular origins and programs that hold the instruction manual for each body of communication that contribute in their totality to the signalling and fulfilment of basic needs and desires and personal purpose of the individual working with them. This particular mechanism, is also set up to straddle the particular themes and energetics being presented by the collective unfolding field to ensure that you are working organically and in alignment with collective movements and divine timing at the same time as this is also a part of you.

This tool is a daily tool to assist you in strengthening your own connection to your own quantum inner guidance system by assisting you in understanding and creating those connections to the cues that your body, mind and environment signal to you so that you can learn how to fluidly navigate reality from a state of present, mindful, awareness and inclusion of all parts of you as a valid and integral part of your experience. It will assist you in breaking free of 'false' indicators that may have developed from past experiences and responses to trauma and the subsequent coping mechanisms, so do not be alarmed or feel that you are experiencing resistance at certain points, this is part of the integration process and entirely natural and necessary when learning how to embody your true aligned state.


When working with this tool, the mind receives a signal directly from the cells and selects and feels a pull to the image that unconsciously it desires to 'fill in' the negative space present in the image as the indicator for which body of communication to work with at that time.

Because it activates and works in alignment with the users own personal original blueprint, by focusing your attention on the tool itself, it allows your mind to suspend all false indicator responses so that you are able to gain an observational perspective of where these false indicators have generated inaccurate feedback in relation to certain things that have caused a stop motion on your life in the past, giving you the clarity and freedom to make a new choice about the subsequent action you will take in light of the new information you are being presented with.

Above all else, this tool is to support you in reclaiming and embodying your true self and honouring and supporting the ever unfolding expansion and process of discovery as a lifelong explorer and experiencer of earth! It will assist you on the journey of mastery, so that you can claim responsibility and accountability as the creator of your own reality. 

W H A T  D O E S  E A C H  I M A G E  R E P R E S E N T ?


If you were drawn to this image, your focus is being called to what is being communicated to you physically and working towards balancing an aspect of your physical body that is calling for focus. The Physical body is the vessel that is responsible for carrying and supporting you throughout life. It is the manifested matter that you physically experience life itself through. The physical body inter-connects with the physical reality around you, your environment and the relationship to your environment at large so is in constant communication with the things that are in physical support of it, and which things are working actively against it. This is inclusive of things such as dietary needs, physically supportive relationships and the very environment you are living in by alerting you with physical imbalance when things are out of balance in these arenas. Through movement, it enables you to take physical action on the things you are wanting to create for yourself and take action on change. The physical body, in a balanced state, is a thriving environment, teaming with life and passion. In this state, it not only sees and feels this in itself, but recognises its own connection to the external physical matter of life as a part of it and treats the external in a way that also promotes vitality and an environment where things thrive.


If you were drawn to this image, your focus is being called to what is being communicated to you through the mental body and working towards balancing an aspect of your mental body that is calling for focus. The Mental body is split into two sub-factions, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind that, when working against each other, cause a primary split in the psyche that cause conflict in the creational process in your life causing you to attract things that you have not tried to consciously create for yourself. This is the body responsible for reasoning, memory, logic, your core belief system and the very templates you run your understanding of life from. When they are working together with the same intentions, hold a steady framework for what you are wanting to create in your life to ensure it creates the correct vibratory output signal that magnetises the experiences you are wanting to you. When working in a congruent state, it is able to decipher and sort complex information in a way that utilises the feedback from every other body of communication you are working with to ensure your chosen experiences manifest.




If you were drawn to this image, your focus is being called to what is being communicated to you through your spiritual/etheric body and working towards balancing an aspect of your spiritual body that is calling for focus. The etheric body focuses on the need for expansion, your personal purpose in life, new information and unlocking new skills and aspects of the self. This is the field that calls forward the information for setting up future experiences and manifestation very much like a blueprint. This is the body that enables you to become the observer to your experience so that you are able to move from current reality into a space of unlimited potential in order to call in evolutionary concepts and expanded fields of information that propel your understanding and interaction with life to new levels of awareness. Working with this image is the portal to the unknown and the part of you that exists outside the physical dimensions of time and space.


If you were drawn to this image, your focus is being called to what is being communicated to you emotionally and working towards balancing an aspect of your emotional body that is calling for focus. This is the body of communication responsible for navigating reality through the feeling sensors alone. It does not involve logic but is simply an intuitive feedback system that uses a range of emotional states to communicate to you things that feed your overall experience of life in a 'positive' or negative' way contributing to your overall decision making about what works for you and what doesn't. This system also works very closely with ensuring that the basic survival needs of the human are met as is designed to work at a much faster rate than reason and logic. This is why it is often referred to as 'gut instinct' as the seat of the emotional feedback resides in the gut. This system is highly important in servicing our ability to sense danger, truth and integrity. When we shut things down emotionally and do not process how we really feel, we send the emotional body into imbalance and as a result, we become inclined towards second guessing and denying our own feedback when things feel off in a way we cannot logically interpret. This can in turn lead to addictions and the development of addictive behaviours and coping mechanisms.




Copyright Stefanie Baker.      All Right Reserved. Please feel free to provide a link to this material via social media to share the tool with others, so long as you do not alter, copy or redistribute it under any other name in any way, the content remains complete and you include the link:

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