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M E E T   S T E F


​Stef Baker is a Conscious Channel, Intuitive Psychologist, Psychic Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, Twin Flame Activator & Teacher, Integration Specialist, Dream Analyst, Healing Facilitator, Artist, Writer and mother of two currently based in just outside London, UK, with many years of experience in the field of healing, transformation, spiritual psychology and metaphysics.

 Stef is truly driven by the love of her work and the desire to assist others, Stef's skillset is nothing short of incredible. She has an astute understanding of human engineering on a cellular and energetic level, the mechanisms of the holographic universe we call reality and the way in which the mind projects these versions of reality, based on the individual’s programming, perceptions, preferences and unconscious patterns, not only represented in waking reality, but in the unconscious realms of dreamtime too. 

Stef has an astute and applied understanding of human engineering on a cellular and energetic level, the mechanisms of the holographic universe we call reality and the way in which the mind projects these versions of reality, based on the individual’s programming, trauma, perceptions, preferences and unconscious patterns, not only represented in waking reality, but through what is communicated through the unconscious realm of dreamtime too. 


Stef was catapulted into this line of work following a very tumultuous spontaneous spiritual awakening in 2014 that resulted in the full blown activation of Stef's mind blowing gifts. She also works actively with spirit in many different dimensional forms so is fluent in translating information coming through from many different sources, aligning only with energies whose intention is to uncover and translate authenticity and truth. 

​Stef has a warm, compassionate and highly knowledgeable approach to her work having a deep understanding of trauma and the subsequent impact on the human mind, body and spirit. As a survivor of abuse, having dealt with the subsequent impact of ptsd and depression, has not only learnt the art of navigating self healing that left doctors and professionals baffled by her abilities, but has also self developed a number of innovative and progressive holistic healing and transformation solutions that she is passionate about sharing with the world. She has been recognised for her work in the field, having worked alongside some of the most reputable names in the industry as a practitioner and video content creator for American Media company and App High Vibe TV (Formally Future Life). As a child, Stef was recognised very early on as exhibiting creative genius that has continued to evolve these gifts and passions in deeply innovative ways. 

Stef has created accessible and workable tools that support healing and transformation that is designed to access and clear the route of what prohibits you from living as your authentic and empowered self including the PSYCHETHERICS (TM) free daily guidance tool to support your journey. She has also made self initiated powerful attunements & activations for those committed and ready to step into their most joyful, authentic and abundant life. Please feel free to utilise the free daily guidance tool, blogs and follow her on instagram and tiktok for related content, business updates and new exciting releases. 

Copyright of Stef Baker 

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