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  S E R V I C E S

S P I R I T U A L  C O N S U L T A T I O N  : (recorded/live)


​These recorded sessions are designed to assist you in moving forward in a direction that is in alignment with your true and authentic self.

​When it comes to life decisions, we can often feel overwhelmed or unsure about which road to take that aligns with our true authentic self. This is because life decisions are comprised of a number of factors that play out in us consciously and unconsciously and so we often meet crossroads and can feel stuck there for some time as a number of different things seem to pull us in different directions.


The purpose of spirituality itself is to act as a tool of consistent awareness. This means that the development of the spiritual parts of us, become activated as we commit to the journey of inner illumination of self. It allows us to see all the different parts of us pulling in different directions so that we can bring cohesion and clarity to our mind, body and soul so that all parts of us are moving in the same direction and are on the same page.


​To name the factors at play when it comes to life decisions, these include; security, soul expansion, soul agreements, unresolved healing, existing responsibilities, destined connections, divine timing, core desires, karmic lessons and even deeper assessments have to happen such as the degrees of change the body and mind can handle that will allow for a manageable transition. This is because major life changes also have major impact on the body and mind that requires a complete internal rewiring. Many of these factors at play exist outside of the known construct of 'problem solving' that currently exist in the world which is why so many people make decisions from patterns of dysfunction and learned behaviours, using the outside world a a reference point and navigating guide for success and inner fulfilment rather then understanding or being educated that it is the internal illumination of self that points us towards our true north. 

​This is why as we are going through the process of the illumination of self, when seeking support for deciphering which road to take next, it is important that we seek that support from teachers and mentors that have the skillset to see the many layers and factors that exist and are at play consciously, subconsciously, physically, mentally and spiritually.

​These sessions can be utilised as general support and guidance or can be used for looking at specific areas that you would like support and clarity with such as work, relationships, finances and health. As a long standing practitioner in the field, I also have a range of experience in supporting clients in positions of high value business and public influence.

​These sessions are recorded and sent to you directly via Telegram. This gives you the freedom to explore the content of the recording as many times as you like. You are then given the space to ask any questions or further clarification on the recording that you receive.


T O T A L  T R A N S F O R M E R  P A C K A G E  :(live)



This package is a 10 week intensive series of one to one live sessions with Stef designed to truly help you transform and heal your life from the inside out. It is a truly life changing investment.​ The sessions are split into 5 sections, these 5 sections are designed to activate and bring you into alignment with your true and authentic self. Once your inner world is healed and transformed, your outer world will then shift to mirror back to you these changes. 

Section 1: Trauma healing 

Section 2: Templates and Ancestral Healing 

Section 3: Nervous System Recalibration 

Section 4: Programming and Belief Work

Section 5: Activating your Magnetism and Authenticity.

Each of these sections will cover a portion of the 10 sessions depending on the focus your body, mind and soul needs on each area as this will vary person to person. You will also receive written reports from each session documenting the work we have covered so that you can also track your progress and shifts that occur in the time in between the sessions. If you are ready to claim the life you know you are destined for, one that you don’t feel as if you need a vacation from, and to start to truly experience the relationships, health, finances, healing, sense of true purpose, self love, inner joy, confidence, abundance, peace and happiness you know you truly deserve, this is the package for you. Once you have booked the initial session, Stef will manually schedule all further sessions manually. Payment can be made upfront on booking or split into 3. If you would like the payment plan option, contact Stef directly prior to booking.



T W I N  F L A M E  E V O L U T I O N  S E S S I O N S: (live)


These sessions are designed to call you into union with your twin flame by working to highly support healing and transformation work that is needed to support you in embodying your authentic self and becoming the sovereign, most aligned version of you. This session will look at the current dynamic interplay between you and your twin and the masculine and feminine dynamics. From there we will converse with your higher self and subconscious to bring forward information, healing and activations that will support your journey. Stef will hold space and map your subconscious for any unconscious programming and healing in the physical, mental, emotional and etheric fields that are coming forward for you that are ready to clear and transmute at that time. Stef also works to help you to develop tools for how to effectively facilitate healing and transformation for yourself and teach you how to map and translate the languages of your own subconscious in the way that promotes integration and healing personally for you. 

A deeply powerful and shifting session specifically created to support those on the twin flame journey.

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